Rangers need your help now!

Indigenous ranger teams are critical to the conservation of some of our world’s most fragile ecosystems. For millennia, Australia’s first peoples have been looking after Country. The work of rangers today maintains that connection, while simultaneously strengthening the health and wellbeing of local communities. At a time when Australia’s Indigenous peoples make up just 4% of the total population yet manage 30% of its lands and waters, it’s never ben more important to enable more of our First Nations peoples to care for Country in an official capacity, and to be recognised properly for their intimate knowledge and traditions in conservation.

The Desert Women’s Leadership Program, established by Thin Green Line in partnership with the Indigenous Desert Alliance, brings together Indigenous female rangers to learn from each other and to share their vision, and challenges.

Lynette is a proud Nyangumarta woman from Bidyadanga in Western Australia’s Kimberley region. Lynette’s ‘patch’ covers a vast 2.8 million hectares and is home to a rich and varied landscape with high ecological, cultural, and traditional values. Stretching from Eighty Mile Beach to the Great Sandy Desert, Lynette and her team work tirelessly to protect both marine and terrestrial ecosystems.

“I’ve been a ranger since 2014. When I started, we didn’t have much – not even vehicles – but we pulled together a strong team of rangers. Our job covers a lot. We track and monitor wildlife like bilbies and the endangered black-footed rock-wallaby. We also do aerial and on-ground burning to prevent big fires. Feral animals are also a real threat, so we look after that, too. Sometimes it’s challenging, but I love it.”

📸 Lynette working on Country

The Indigenous ranger sector is one of the fastest growing areas in conservation globally, but representation of women remains low. Employment opportunities in Australia’s remote desert communities are extremely limited, especially for women. We must encourage more women to work on Country as conservation professionals. Women have a unique and inclusive way of welcoming communities to Country – especially children – in the conservation space.

The Indigenous ranger sector is one of the fastest growing areas in conservation globally, but representation of women remains low. Employment opportunities in Australia’s remote desert communities are extremely limited, especially for women. We must encourage more women to work on Country as conservation professionals. Women have a unique and inclusive way of welcoming communities to Country – especially children – in the conservation space.

“We started taking community members and kids from the schools out on Country because they need to know what we do out there. It’s important that we all continue to learn, for the young ones to become leaders. We all know that Country needs people and people need Country. We don’t want to see Country die. We want to show our kids the right way, so they get a feeling of how Country looks after our mind, spirit, and soul. But we need strong women rangers to do this work, to help keep kids on Country and teach them the right and strong way so they can pass the knowledge on to the next generation.”

To avoid paying transaction fees, please donate via direct deposit using your surname as a reference. The Thin Green Line Foundation Ltd, BSB: 633000, Account #: 1312 95404


Lynette has been the recipient of life-changing development opportunities through the Thin Green Line’s Desert Women’s Leadership Program.

“Every time I go out on Country with rangers, or go to a workshop, I always talk about Thin Green Line. They allow us to meet with each other, to share our hopes and dreams and, together they might come true one day! I don’t know how to thank Thin Green Line and their supporters enough.”

📸 Lynette and her team monitor and protect the endangered black-footed rock-wallaby. Can you see them?!

Thin Green Line exists to support Indigenous Australian rangers to meet the greatest environmental challenges of our time before it’s to late.

Your support is vital to the protection of or world’s most precious natural places and cultures. Together we can help Indigenous rangers to grow and develop their professional skills, giving them the tools to become advocates for their people and for Country. By donating to Thin Green Line today you can create a better tomorrow. With thanks to the Yulgilbar Foundation and Chasam Foundation, your tax-deductible donations will be matched up to A$100,000 until 30th June 2024.

Now is the time to act!

Thin Green Line provides direct support to rangers on the frontline of conservation by providing effective training, vital equipment, and emergency support to rangers and their families, and by developing strong global networks for rangers and their communities.

To avoid paying transaction fees, please donate via direct deposit using your surname as a reference. The Thin Green Line Foundation Ltd, BSB: 633000, Account #: 1312 95404

“I represent my Country because of my knowledge and experience. I always want to challenge and motivate myself. Opportunities like what Thin Green Line provide give me strength and confidence to talk to different organisations, big bosses out there who need to listen to rangers and community people. When we come together, we talk, we share, we understand each other. It’s so important because we need our voices heard, especially by mining companies. Sometimes they don’t listen to us, and they chase away the animals and birds. It causes us such heartache and pain.”

With your support we can expand our reach to rangers and their communities across the world, allowing us to reach ourgoal of doubling the areas protected by rangers globally.

Your support gives Lynette and her ranger team hope for the future.

“We need the young ones to step up, to learn about our language, our culture, the way we learnt as kids. We need to teach the young ones, like our old people taught us. I can see the vision!”

📸 Lynette and her colleague Sumayah visiting Phillip Island Nature Parks in Victoria.

To avoid paying transaction fees, please donate via direct deposit using your surname as a reference. The Thin Green Line Foundation Ltd, BSB: 633000, Account #: 1312 95404

We need to do more, and now is the time to act!

By acting now and making a tax-deductible gift you can support the 7,000 people impacted through our projects, including rangers working hard to mitigate climate change ad increase biodiversity.

But to do this, we are facing some big challenges:

– Ranger fatalities around the world

– Lack of training / education

– Isolation

– Inadequate equipment

“Thin Green Line helps us to communicate better, to know what to do in meetings and encourage us to speak up. It helps to create leaders. I really believe it!”

📸 Lynette with her ranger colleagues Raewyn and Regina in Melbourne while participating in the Desert Women’s Leadership Program. The program brings together Indigenous female rangers from around Australia to learn from each other and to share their vision, and challenges, with each other and a variety of audiences.

This year alone, Thin Green Line will connect 130 rangers and 2,700 junior rangers to their peers across 19 international locations. We will also train almost 200 rangers, reducing the risk of death or disability, support up to 110 families of fallen rangers, provide over $100,000 worth of equipment.

We need your help. Please consider a tax-deductible gift today by clicking here. Together we will ensure that no ranger is left unsupported.

Remember, all one-off donations up to A$100,000 will be matched until 30th June.

Thank you for you compassion, your dedication, and your support of our frontline defenders.

Now is the time to act!

Yours sincerely,

Sean Willmore

Founder, Thin Green Line

    Lynette Wildridge

    Ranger, Australia

P.S. Rangers and their families need your help now! Your support is vital to the protection of our world’s most precious natural places and endangered species. By donating to the Thin Green Line today you can create a better tomorrow. You donation will be matched up to A$100,000 until 30th June!

P.P.S. A gift of $50 will provide a ranger with a warm jacket and a flashlight for night patrols. $100 will clothe a ranger in protective fire equipment. $250 will purchase handheld radios for communication in remote areas. $1,000 will supply an entire team with camping equipment and first-aid kits. $3,000 will support the family of a fallen ranger. Donate today.




Rangers are the missing link in conservation. That’s why I’ll do everything I can to support the Thin Green Line Foundation.”

Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE
Thin Green Line Global Ambasssador