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A Beam of Light in the Darkness: Supporting the Families Left Behind

July 31, 2024

The Fallen Ranger Fund remains a fundamental program at Thin Green Line. It is our wish that one day this Fund will no longer be needed, but until then we stand ready to respond and assist the families of fallen rangers globally.

140 rangers from 37 countries were reported on this year’s Roll of Honour released by the International Ranger Federation. Approximately 27% of ranger casualties resulted from homicide, with a high proportion of these occurring in areas of armed conflict, including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Nigeria and Ukraine. Poachers are suspected of being responsible for several other homicide fatalities.

Animal attacks account for 26% of deaths, with elephant related incidents being the dominant cause, especially in Asia. The remainder of ranger deaths are attributable to occupational accidents, including those related to flood and wildfire (22%), sudden deaths from natural causes whilst in service (14%), and vehicle accidents (11%).

Beyond the data, each fallen ranger’s story is unique and a powerful testament to their courage, sacrifice, and the lasting impact they’ve had on their communities and the world.

One example is ranger Daniel who was charged with protecting Ghana’s endangered rosewood trees – a resource that is more widely trafficked than elephant ivory, rhino horn, or pangolin scales. Sadly, while on patrol, Daniel was killed during an ambush by armed timber poachers. He was just 34 years old and left behind two children, including a 3-month-old son. Through the Fallen Ranger Fund, Daniel’s family received a grant to support them through these unforeseen circumstances.

“On behalf of Daniel’s widow, I would like to express my gratitude for the support your brilliant team provided after Daniel’s passing. Thanks to your assistance, Daniel’s widow and the children are coping relatively well. Your support has also had a significant impact on the morale of fellow rangers. The recognition for their good and dangerous work from Australia has been tremendously beneficial for them” – Richard van der Sluijs, LEAD Ranger


Despite the ongoing challenges of reaching families on a global scale, Thin Green Line’s commitment to the families of fallen rangers is constant and undiminished. We know that the unexpected loss of a loved one is an incredibly traumatic time for these families. This is often coupled with financial stresses related to funeral costs and loss of a primary income. Our family assistance grants serve to lessen the stressors on these families and are often used to cover housing, education, and funeral expenses, or to start small businesses for sustainable, long-term income. Importantly, it provides the gift of time and dignity to mourn the loss of their loved ones.


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We believe the practical, direct action of rangers is the most necessary and effective way to overcome the environmental challenges of our time. Thin Green Line is a global not-for-profit conservation organisation.