Amanda Dudgeon – from park ranger to Thin Green Line ambassador
NSW park ranger Amanda Dudgeon has been appointed as Thin Green Line’s inaugural regional ranger ambassador. Amanda completed a 12-month solo expedition in 2023, traveling 95,000km journey through eight Oceania countries to raise funds to support ranger teams in remote parts of the region.
Amanda’s new role as Thin Green Line’s Oceania ambassador will assist ranger teams throughout the region to communicate their achievements and coordinate requests for support.
Her extraordinary journey around Australia, and on to New Zealand, Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, and Timor Leste has already expanded awareness of the complexity and importance of the diverse conservation work done by rangers.
With many years of field experience, Amanda is well placed to voice her insights and understanding of the day-to-day challenges rangers face with limited resources.
“As the Foundation’s regional ambassador, I can communicate funding opportunities, help Oceania rangers submit project proposals, and promote project achievements,” Amanda said. “I’m trying to connect Oceania rangers and ranger associations with the opportunities and support available from TGL.”
“I am here to be a sounding board, an advocate for Oceania’s rangers – an understanding colleague who appreciates the challenges front-line rangers face – someone who can articulate what they need.”
Amanda is currently producing a documentary of her 12-month journey, focusing on conservation challenges facing ranger teams throughout the Oceania region.