New Look, Same Thin Green Line

We know rangers. We know what they need, and we know how to support them. However, while Thin Green Line has continued to adapt, grow, and become a voice for rangers internationally, so too has our need for a more cohesive, identifiable, striking, and polished brand persona.
When Sean Willmore founded Thin Green Line more than 17 years ago, a simple logo and website was all we needed to communicate who we were and what we stood for. And while we love our original heartline logo (and still use it in our merchandise to this day), it became apparent that our visual representation wasn’t as strong as it needed to be on the world’s stage. We were also struggling with how to communicate our values, mission, and vision.
We knew who we were; but did the rest of the world? Probably not.
This was never more apparent than during the pandemic when Thin Green Line began seeking global assistance for rangers directly affected by Covid-19, and the ramifications it had on conservation.
In 2022 we engaged Melbourne-based branding agency, Taylor & Grace, who demonstrated a clear understanding of the not-for-profit space. They were also genuinely good people, so we were thrilled to have them onboard for what turned out to be a nearly two-year journey. The result is not only a new logo, but a clear and solid understanding of who we are and how we need to communicate our message to better support rangers around the world.
Perhaps the biggest project within this process was the creation of a brand-new website, launched in September 2023. Like our original logo, our old website served its purpose while we were still growing as a foundation. However, over time, it had become difficult to manage and navigate, and we knew it wasn’t representing us well. More importantly, it wasn’t an adequate resource for rangers or supporters, which is its main purpose. We now have a website that we’re proud of; it tells our story well and conveys our purpose, as well as providing a resource for the global ranger community.
One of the truly wonderful side effects of our rebranding journey is the renewed enthusiasm and love of what we do as a small team. It insisted that we stop, take a step back, and look inward. We don’t often allow ourselves this indulgence, as we’re always so focused on supporting rangers. But this exercise was invaluable, and our team spirit was reaffirmed in the process.
Thank you for continuing this journey with us on the Thin Green Line.