Rhino Man: Now Streaming!

Rhino Man is a film with purpose developed by Thin Green Line project partners – Global Conservation Corps (GCC).
With over 1,200 rhinos killed in a year, 2014 became the height of the rhino poaching crisis in South Africa. It was also the year that legendary ranger trainer, Martin Mthembu, was lost in a tragic accident. Martin trained over 15,000 rangers during his life, and he was a mentor to many, including conservationist and filmmaker, Matt Lindenberg.
Matt studied at the Southern African Wildlife College and trained rangers with Martin for 6 years. When Martin passed, Matt wanted to do something to honor his legacy. He wanted to tell the story of his friends, the rangers, the unsung heroes of conservation.
Matt founded the Global Conservation Corps in 2015 and promptly made a promise to tell the rangers stories. Little did he know these stories would attract a small team of passionate filmmakers, and eight years later, grow into what is now the feature-length documentary, ‘Rhino Man’.
Throughout the years of its development another ranger became closely involved with Rhino Man – Anton Mzimba.
Anton dedicated every aspect of his life to the protection and conservation of South African wildlife. He was the Head of Ranger Services at the Timbavati Private Nature Reserve in South Africa, a Technical Advisor to GCC and Rhino Man’s biggest champion.
Devastatingly, on the evening of July 26th, 2022, as the film was coming to completion, Anton was brutally murdered at his home in front of his family.
Thin Green Line promptly provided support to Anton’s family via our Fallen Ranger Fund.
News of Anton’s passing sent shockwaves through the conservation sector, and made international headlines. As devastating as this moment was, the team at GCC knew it was important for Anton’s story to be shared.
Anton always knew the risks, but when asked he calmly voiced that the cause was worth it. Like so many other rangers, Anton paid the ultimate price for protecting our planet’s future. His story was shared as the final chapter to Rhino Man.
On 22nd July 2024, Rhino Man was released on streaming platforms for public viewing. This release date commemorated two years since Anton’s untimely passing, and marks just six days before World Ranger Day – a day when we take a moment to remember all rangers lost on the line of duty.
Leading up to this launch, nearly 1,000 rangers across 12 African countries have watched the film. It was vital to GCC that rangers from many walks of life felt Rhino Man accurately told their collective story with dignity, pride, and admiration.
Now, we ask that you to watch this incredible film and honour the lives of Martin Mthembu and Anton Mzimba.
Take a moment to remember all rangers who are no longer with us.
Remember their sacrifice, their passion, and their dedication.
Remember that we can all stand up for something bigger than ourselves – that there is hope as long as good people stand up when the time calls.