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Riding for a Cause: Phil and Ned’s Excellent (Fundraising) Adventure!

August 31, 2024

In May 2024, intrepid father and son team, Phil and Ned Wise, undertook an extraordinary cycling adventure across Australia to raise funds for Thin Green Line.

Phil Wise is an ex-Northern Territory ranger, now working for the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC).  At just 14 his son Ned planned to make this 12-week journey part of his application for the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

“This was an epic personal challenge for both of us to raise funds for two conservation organisations that are very close to our hearts,” said Phil.

 Phil and Ned recognised that many people want to make a difference to the world’s biodiversity and climate issues, but often don’t know how to contribute in a practical way. By taking on a personal challenge, traversing temperate Tasmania and Victoria, rugged South Australia and the Northern Territory’s full spectrum of dry to tropical climates, they hoped to inspire people and raise awareness for their chosen charities. Ultimately Phil and Ned provided a positive mechanism for people to engage with these causes and make a difference.

“Through our ride, we raised awareness and funds for the Thin Green Line Foundation who support rangers around the world, helping to protect wildlife and habitats. Our other charity is the Tasmanian Land Conservancy and the amazing work they are doing to protect biodiversity in Tasmania.” said Phil.

The intrepid pair crossed the finish line at the Esplanade, Darwin, at midday on World Ranger Day – 31st July – with much acclaim from their extended support group. While a feeling little windswept and hot under the Northern Territory sun, the pair were elated at their physical accomplishment and bowled over by the support garnered over their journey – in just 12 weeks, the duo raised $55,000 on the epic ride for nature.

Thin Green Line would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Ned and Phil for their tireless support of our mission. This isn’t our first time working with Phil, who started out as one of the Foundation’s first Directors and has been backing us ever since. Phil first combined travel with fundraising in 2023 during a solo trip to Uganda. On this expedition, he met with ranger teams and gained insights into numerous conservation projects, including mountain gorilla protection. After this trip, Thin Green Line has been able to support some of the rangers Phil met across Uganda with vital patrol supplies, using funds raised by Phil before his travels. We’re excited to see what’s next on the horizon for Phil and his adventurous family!

Our team continues to be humbled by the incredible people that are part of the Thin Green Line community. From selling seedlings at local farmers markets, to traversing an entire nation, we are continually amazed by our supporters who are willing to go above and beyond to support rangers, and to raise the profile of Thin Green Line.

If you would like to conduct your own fundraiser for Thin Green Line, no matter how big or small, check out our fundraising page or get in touch!

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We believe the practical, direct action of rangers is the most necessary and effective way to overcome the environmental challenges of our time. Thin Green Line is a global not-for-profit conservation organisation.