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World Ranger Day

World Ranger Day

On July 31st each year our community pauses to reflect on the sacrifices made by rangers, and to celebrate the incredible work that rangers do every day to protect our planet’s natural treasures and cultural heritage. On this day, we honour Fallen Rangers.

We advocate for rangers to be respected as the critical frontline of conservation.

We celebrate our colleagues and the friendships we have made among our community. We stand as one.

Fallen Rangers

Between June 2023 – May 2024, 140 rangers from 37 countries were reported to have lost their lives in the line of duty. A total of 1319 ranger deaths have been recorded over the last 10-years.

Downloadable resources

The World Ranger Day Toolkit contains all you need to spread the word about World Ranger Day and celebrate the incredible work that rangers do globally. 

Annual theme

Each year our World Ranger Day events and celebrations are focussed on a centralised theme. The 2024 the theme is ’30 by 30′ reflecting the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, adopted at COP15 in December 2022.

The framework highlights the need to protect 30 percent of land and waters by 2030, a challenge which rangers are integral to achieving.

Social Media

We encourage you to use the #WorldRangerDay #WorldRangerDay2024 #WRD24 or #IStandWithRangers hashtag when talking about World Ranger Day on social media.

Please also tag @thingreenlinefoundation  and @internationalrangerfederation in your posts to be featured on our daily story. Find us on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn!

Our programs

We provide support packages that improve the day-to-day work of rangers around the world. We also initiate and invest in game-changing programs that achieve wide-reaching impact for ranger operations and community conservation.

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